To the Tribes, Cultures, and Subculture...

"And they sang a new song, saying, 'You are worthy to take the scroll, and open it's seals; for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God with Your Blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priest to our God and we shall reign on the earth." Rev. 5:9-10 (NKJV)

Culture, sub-cultures, tribes, people groups, what are they really? What is it that makes one group into a culture/tribe, and another into just a subculture? Could it be that part of it was just a set way of doing things or basic assumptions?  How has our modern, global age changed how such things take place and develop?

It is basically understood that the meanings of Tribe, Culture, and Subculture are as follows:

A. a society or division of society whose members have ancestry, customs, beliefs, or leadership in common.
B. a large family, some times an unofficial family
C. a group of people who have things in common such as occupation, religion, social background, or political view point

A. art, music, literature, and related intellectual activities
B. the beliefs, customs, practices, and social behavior of a particular group of people
C. a group of people who share beliefs or practices which identify the particular place, class, or time to which they belong

A. an identifiable separate social group within a larger culture, especially one existing outside of the mainstream culture
B. a subdivision or enclave withing national culture with a distinctive integrated set of behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes
C. a term first used in 1936 to describe newer emerging human cultures.

As we can see from these, there are many similarities within the terms Tribe, Culture, and Subculture, thusly one can see how there is a need to reach out to all three.  Having served both in subculture outreach and as a missionary among the Native Tribes of the Southwest (USA), this is a passion that beats deeply with my heart.  There is a need, a deep needs, to make sure all have a chance of hearing the Gospel, and not just hearing it, but having someone sit down and share it with them, and if possible disciple them so that they can be a multiplier of the faith.  We need this in every Tribe, in every Culture, and in every Subculture the world over...

Please Pray with me that the Lord of the Harvest sends out His workers, and what each of our roles shall be in the harvest! Then truly may it be as it it says in the end: Every Tribe and Tongue and People (Culture, Subculture) and Nation (Ethnic Group).

~ Morria Nickles
