Code of Conduct
At Nightwatch Underground Ministry, our Subculture Missionaries agree to a strict Code of Conduct for the sake of ministry. We understand that we are in the world, but not of the world, and that "all things" are permissible (unless direct violations of God's Word), but not all things are profitable.
1.) All that we do, we seek to do for His service. - We believe we are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and love our neighbors as ourselves. Jesus told us that by our love for one another, we would be known as His disciples. Jesus left us with the task of making disciples of nations (tribes, tongues, nations, cultures, subcultures, ethnic groups), and we seek to follow the Early Churches example of devoting ourselves to the Apostles' teaching (Bible and Apostles' Creed), fellowship, communion, prayer, living simply while taking up our cross daily, and caring for those who have need.
1.) All that we do, we seek to do for His service. - We believe we are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and love our neighbors as ourselves. Jesus told us that by our love for one another, we would be known as His disciples. Jesus left us with the task of making disciples of nations (tribes, tongues, nations, cultures, subcultures, ethnic groups), and we seek to follow the Early Churches example of devoting ourselves to the Apostles' teaching (Bible and Apostles' Creed), fellowship, communion, prayer, living simply while taking up our cross daily, and caring for those who have need.
2.) As Disciples and Missionaries, we agree to abstain from illegal drugs and alcohol. This includes in our down times. Marijuana in both recreational and medical forms is included withing this. All alcoholic drinks are included in this. If found using, we agree to step down. Possibility for return is evaluated case by case.
(The only expeciptions are as follows: a. Communion Wine, if ones church uses this for church services only. b. Fre Wine which has had alcohol removed, and this only for times such as weddings. c. Only Kombucha Tea with less then 0.05% if any is allowed, but should be talked over with leadership first.)
3.) As Disciples and Missionaries, we agree to abstain from abuse of legal drugs. Prescriptions are to be used for stated purpose, and not beyond. If said prescription becomes a problem, we agree to step down until the issue is dealt with. Possibility for return is evaluated case by case.
4.) As Disciples and Missionaries, we agree to sexual purity. For those single, this means we commit to nothing sexual outside of marriage. For those married, we remain faithful to our spouse. No same-sex relationship are permitted. Pornography in all forms is not allowed. If we enter into sexual impurity, we agree to step down. Possibility for return is evaluated case by case. (If someone is Raped, this is an exception; though, if someone suffers this trauma, they will be asked to attend consoling and may need to step down, while healing from this trauma.)
5. As Disciples and Missionaries, we agree to seek to live a life of simplicity for the sake of the Gospel. As Jesus instructed His Disciples to take nothing for the journey, and the Early Church sought to have all things in common, we seek to live a life of simplicity. While minimalism (or vows of poverty) in our personal life is not required, it is encouraged (is it needed, used, or does it add beauty?)- though excesses in anything, including minimalism, is discouraged. Over-abundance and hoarding can be great hindrances to ministry. We agree to guidance, should we ever begin overindulgence.
6.) As Disciples and Missionaries, we agree to seek a life of peace and balance. We seek to love others as ourselves not judging anyone based on race or difference in culture/subculture. We seek to keep our dedication to God, family, and ministry in its proper balance - God first, family second, ministry third - in as much as humanly possible. We also seek to keep our health - mental, physical, and spiritual - in balance, and will dedicate time to all three. We agree to guidance, should we ever begin to struggle in any of these areas..
7.) As Disciples and Missionaries, we agree to be responsible with the money we are granted.
6.) As Disciples and Missionaries, we agree to seek a life of peace and balance. We seek to love others as ourselves not judging anyone based on race or difference in culture/subculture. We seek to keep our dedication to God, family, and ministry in its proper balance - God first, family second, ministry third - in as much as humanly possible. We also seek to keep our health - mental, physical, and spiritual - in balance, and will dedicate time to all three. We agree to guidance, should we ever begin to struggle in any of these areas..
7.) As Disciples and Missionaries, we agree to be responsible with the money we are granted.
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